IP Star Enterprises and Promising High-Tech Enterprises

Writer : 씨엠테크
Date : 15-07-22 15:34
Hit : 2,160






CM Tech Co., Ltd., the parent company manufacturing CEROFFEE, has been selected as one of ‘IP Star Enterprises’ and ‘Promising High-Tech Enterprises’!


The news CMTECH has been selected as one of 'Promising High-Tech Enterprises' has received much coverage through various Korean news papers!

Let's see one of the article in English.


CM TECH, Designated ‘No. 5 High-Tech Company’ of Innopolis Daegu 13:11 p.m. Apr. 7th, 2015


"On 7th, Innopolis Daedeok of Innopolis Foundation, part of the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning. designated CM TECH Co., Ltd. as ‘No. 5 High-Tech Enterprise’ of Innopolis Daegu. (…) Based on improved company awareness by the selection as ‘High Tech Company’ and enhanced technological capacity, CM TECH makes a plan of international market advance in medical plasma sterilizer sector on a scale of 4 billion dollars and new market advance in coffee roaster and strives for development in creative and innovative products to make sure clients in the world market are happy. (…)"


Reported by Hwangbo Munok; hmo4910@naver.com



CMTECH Co., Ltd ㅣ (zip code) 41059 #37 Maeyeo-Ro, 1-Gil, Dong-gu, Daegu, Korea
TEL_ 82-53-582-2209 FAX_ +82-53-582-2208 E-mail_ cmtech@cmtech.co.kr
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