CE obtained

작성자 : 씨엠테크
작성일 : 15-07-22 15:19
조   회 : 2,060회


Hello, it’s CEROFFEE.

CEROFFEE is making steady progress toward European market.

CEROFFEE, which first appeared in global market at World of Coffee Rimini, is stirring up interest of buyers from various countries including many European buyers. The buyers, who want to import CEROFFEE to European countries have made a request for obtaining of CE Marking by CEROFFEE.

Now, CEROFFEE makes efforts to obtain MET certification, too.

Glad to let you know CEROFFEE obtained CE Marking!

CEROFFEE goes global!! Make sure not to miss out on how active CEROFFEE will be in the global market! 


(주)씨엠테크 ㅣ 대구광역시 동구 매여로1길 37
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